First topics offered under new registry rules

I have just put in my application for the Registry of Trainers – a new development since my last stint training and consulting for licensed centers in Texas. These rules say that if one wishes to be on the Registry, then one must not train in any of given area until one has been approved, not only as an individual but also by having a training submitted, in full, to be approved in that area. I have seen no grandfather clause. So there may be some delay in actually presenting, but dates may be held.
My first training sent in, under these new rules, is Time Management for Directors, titled Time Management: Choices and Changes. Therefore we can anticipate that I will first be permitted to train in the first Core Knowledge & Skills area for Directors, Maintinaing an Effective Organization.
That turns out to be great, since that is a strong area for me and doubtless an interesting area for most directors.
Go ahead and call, and we can schedule some dates, leaving a few weeks for the processing of the application. We will follow all the rules, and serve you, our customer, too.

Teacher of Teachers. Professional, Master Level Trainer for ECD in Texas. College instructor, Trainer, Constultant