Promised list of resources for children's learning problems in Austin now posted.

Here is the promised to post resources in Austin for children with special learning needs .   This is not necessarily an exhaustive list, just the ones I know about. Please be invited to post your favorites too.  I do think every director ought to have a list.
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Johnson Center The Johnson Center for Child Health & Development : The Johnson Center for Child Health and Development 1700 Rio Grande Street, Suite 200 Austin, TX 78701 Telephone 512.732.8400 Fax 512.732.8353 (Expensive and have been snooty to me, but I still think they are the best such resource in town for autism.)
ABA – Today there is more than one provider. CARD was the first one.
CARD 9390 Research Blvd. Suite 100 Austin, TX 78759 New inquiries: (855) 345-2273   Phone: (512) 330-9520 Fax: (512) 330-9505 Email:   It is clear that some have been helped a great deal by this.
Dr. J. Cunningham – in San Marcos, closed his center.
The Dan Center for Autism Wellness and Recovery One MUST read CAN! Book. It includes scores of refercnes to scientific peer reviewed journals, has fairly precise protocols, and a summary on the back cover that will open your eyes. Your child does not have to have autism. Many children have improved so much that it is possible to say that “they used to have autism.”
I do not recommend “autismspeaks” because I think it is unduly negative, not scientifically informed, and while I do not know for sure about this organization, I do know that some groups that appear to be parent support groups are really marketing arms for large corporations. DAN! has parent training that is scientifically based.
Sensory Integration and Clumsy Child Syndrome (yes that is actually the technical name)
Kathy Nicholson, From the Heart Therapy Center Phone: (512)-306-1707 Fax: (512)-306-7380
Nicki Branch OT moved.
There are other OT s in town.  There is a debate about what discipline should be “treating” SI or even exactly what the problem is, but the OT’s seem to be helping in lots of cases.
Scottish Rite – free and time tested “language retraining”
Fast4Word, (from Scientific Learning) unduly expensive, phonemic awareness training via computer.  Will help those for whom it is meant. Brain HQ has a similar program out meant for seniors.  Please let me know about competitors.
Pat Sekel is Austin’s top teacher trainer for dyslexia, has a doctorate from UT.
Dr. Swank has a tutoring center and experts say she does voodoo, but if she has good results, you might check out her center.
Oy vey – stop the red dye!!  More than 80 % of people exhibit ADD  symptoms when consuming red dye. There are many more substances that might cause similar problems, but each individual is different.  They work like allergies.
Austin Holistic Healing Center | Natural Hormone Replacement … › … › Detox › Gluten intolerance (Run by Dr. Ted Edwards MD and Dr. Teri Beim, ND)
If you need a very knowledgeable pharmacist, see Tom Schnorr, Apothecary Shoppe, Duval
Autism; ADD/ADHD; G.I.Issues For Kids; … Why should I consider alternative health medicine? … Wellness clinic Services at our Austin location include:
Linda Classen is the educator’s most educated about the field. She knows about the real, if possibly rare, brain dysfunction and how to train teachers and how to deal with public school teachers.
Feingold diet, although much poo-poo-ed does work form many people and has the advantage of a scientific trial for each person. There is no harm in trying and perhaps a great deal of help, so I do not understand the poo-poo.
(There is a lot of disinformation out there.  I urge you to consider  1) the poo-ppo-er’s pecuniary interest 2) real claims of real science rather than standard practice of traditional medicine and 3) a reasonable protocol which should always start with basic health and wellness, and thus education. Anyway, a book is cheaper than a drug.  Start there.)
There are educational resources at People’s Pharmacy

Teacher of Teachers. Professional, Master Level Trainer for ECD in Texas. College instructor, Trainer, Constultant

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