What does it take to make GOOD training?

Lots of training is going on. Various prices. Various content. What is worth it? Directors are cost conscious, but free can be a very bad deal, even expensive. You can waste your time. You can get bad information. Your center can have a worse culture. Someone could be hurt. Overall, you can lose an opportunity.…

The 5 Biggest Mistakes Directors Make in the Training They Offer & BONUS

Last week I shared my 3 secrets for hiring good staff.  This followed the big insight on the one big secret to time management for the center director.  This week, my 5 biggest mistakes directors make when they train their staff.  You will begin to see why staff don’t do what you want them to…

Secrets to Hiring GOOD Staff

Last week we talked about how to squeeze back on time pressure. The big insight that other time management experts don’t address is the extent to which your staff impacts your time schedule.  Directors say that their biggest problem is time pressure. They also say they can’t get good staff.  Yes, it is vital to…

Solving the Biggest Problem Directors Have: Time Pressure

Directors have told me for years that their biggest problem is time pressure. And wow, I know, because it was for me too. Time crunch is severe for directors.  Problem number one: time — not enough.  (Second biggest problem is — you guessed it — staff, crazy.)  Let me solve your problems! I briefly discuss…

Thanks for helping with Beta Testing

The LMS company we were testing has closed the test period. Thanks so much to everyone who was involved. I trust you were amply paid by having gained free training. We are still looking for the best way to provide online training to you. Suggestions are welcomed.  Thanks again!