TRAINING FOR Administrators

Coaching for Administrators in Christian schools and preschool

FOR DIRECTORS  :  ONLINE TRAINING !  Listen right here.  For certificates, write P.O. Box 971 Cedar Park, Texas 78630 enclosing $20 and a copy of your assignment.  OR you may email and Zelle at

*Time Pressure – How to Squeeze Back! #1669  In 30 minutes, I give a great insight that will change your time as a director! Along with exercise, worth 1 clock hour.

* My 3 Secrets to Hiring GOOD Staff.  Directors also say they can’t get good staff.  Here are my secrets. 1/2 hour long, 1/2 or 1 clock hour ; 3.4 Leadership & Management

*Five Biggest Mistakes Directors Make in Training Their Staff 1 hour long, 1 clock hour in 1.2 Operations, 3.4 Personnel, 3.3 Leadership

For your training certificate,

Send a check for $20.00 per certificate and a self-addressed, stamped envelope, specifying which course you took and  including a copy of any exercise required  to P.O. Box 971 Cedar Park Texas 78630

My Trainer # 1485. You might want to write down that number and all the numbers associated with each class for your records and be sure those show on your certificates . Each one is recognized by the State of Texas Registry.

Also, BONUS  (for now, this one is entirely free, just email for a certificate):
* How to Use an Outside Consultant or Trainer 1 hour long, 1 clock hour; 1.2, 3.4, 3.3, and 1.3 Program Evaluation  –oops sorry, a problem on our end


  1. Dear Pastor/Bishop


    My name is Daudi Thomas Msimbe…..Pastor and founder of Great Vision Pentecostal Church and Ministry of People Shipping Centre. We thank God for the registration of our ministry, now that we are known by our Government, we are able to do our ministry openly and freely, also to share what we do with our friends and partners out there.

    We have been working mostly inside church, teaching and equipping church members with the knowledge of God’s word, so that they can be ready to go out there and making others desciples.

    We have been thinking of reaching more to the society now, doing mercy ministries.We are planning on visiting prisoners, the sick and the less privileged, though we don’t have much to offer but we want to start with the little we have..We know the love of God will manifest through us and their lives will be touched, as we do that we will also be sharing the gospel and offer some prayers.

    We want to do door to door evangelism as well as visiting our local schools, there are alot of children and youth that we can teach Gods word also talk about youth stuff like how to eat healthy, some challenges they face as they are growing.

    We would like you to partner with us in prayers or in any other ways you can.

    Looking forward to hear from you, pease don’t hesitate to ask us questions or offer some ideas in any of the areas we have mentioned, thank you in advance.

    Yours in building the kingdom of God,.

    Greet all believers in the name of the Lord (1 Thess 5:26) first of all we need your prayers us.

    You are Welcome.

    Senior Pastor Daudi Msimbe.
    Founder & Director
    Great Vision Pentecostal Church and Ministry of People Shipping Centre
    P.O.BOX 13437
    Arusha Tanzania
    East Africa.

    +255 755 56 5473,

    LinkedIn- Daudi Msimbe
    Facebook -Daudi Msimbe
    Facebook -Daudithomasmsimbe
    Facebook – Bishop Daudi Msimbe Ministries


    Attached herewith please find the following.

    • orgstrat

      Dear Pastor Msimbe,
      While I am sympathetic, appeals of this nature can not be responded to because we can not tell if people asking for money on the internet are real or scam artists. I hope you found some teacher training info that was helpful here, however, appeals for money are not appropriate on a site like this. You may correspond on LinkedIn. Please also check out — which may be even more applicable. Blessings on your work.

    • orgstrat

      I do not know. It is widely available — at least for horses. And was widely available for humans until the plandemic. A quick internet search brought up this:

      USA Clears Ivermectin For Human Use – The Pharma Letter

      In the USA, the Food and Drug Administration has approved Merck & Co’s Stromectil (ivermectin) for its first non-veterinary use, the chemotherapy of two …

      The same search, brought up the full print out of a package! At this point, I would be careful that anything you buy is from a reputable and safe source. Also, you might check helpful authorities on non-prescription even less expensive alternatives.

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