4 Behaviors Account for 89% of Leadership Effectiveness

Mckinsey research* suggests 4 leadership behaviors make the difference between strong and weak leadership. Top 20 Leadership Behaviors: Be supportive. Champion desired change. Clarify objectives, rewards, and consequences. Communicate prolifically and enthusiastically. Develop others. Develop and share a collective mission. Differentiate among followers. Facilitate group collaboration. Foster mutual respect. Give praise. Keep groups organized and […]

via 4 Behaviors Account for 89% of Leadership Effectiveness — Leadership Freak
Dan Rockwell consistently and concisely offers good insights for leadership. Probably you have been in meetings where things seem to be going very wrong. I know it is frustrating. I know it is frustrating for people who are trying to lead as well as for people who can’t understand why there is tyranny or confusion. Leadership skills can be learned. So can character skills. Of course, it is best if character is built in childhood and then leadership is built on top of that. I talk about both. Be the educator and be the leader you want the world to have.

Teacher of Teachers. Professional, Master Level Trainer for ECD in Texas. College instructor, Trainer, Constultant