Quick Self Studies — Conflict Reduction

Choose any of the following topics.  Print the 2 pages, get the book Peace Skills: Swim with the Dolphins, not with the Sharks from www.amazon.com, fill out the quick questions, send in a copy of them (with a self-addressed, stamped envelope) and get your Clock Hours.  And be proud that your self study was real, useful, and worth the hour.
These are all based on Sharon’s popular seminars, with a tropical theme. Great summer project: get your clock hours, prepare to have a better year, and have some tropical fun.
1.  Managing Stress by Increasing Internal Peace (New agey words used, but friendly to Christians or other traditions. Dolphins are just a metaphor.) Chapter one and 5 questions, staff or administrators –  1hour
2. Reducing Conflict through Active Listening  (Chapter 2 and 4 questions.)  staff or administrators,  1 hour

3.  Reducing Conflict through the Assertiveness Technique (Chapter 3  with  7 questions) for staff or administrators 1 hour
4. Reducing Conflict through Swimming Together (How to Handle Difficult People) (Charter Four with just 5 reflective short answer questions, for staff or administrators, 1 hour )

5.  Reducing Conflict by Diagnosing Storms And Intervening   FOR SUPERVISORS (Chapter Five, Six, & Seven and 8 reflective short answer questions for 3 hours)  Will save your work group!  There is nothing like it on the market. This is vital leadership skill.
These should be clickable, but if not, please send an email to  info@orgstrat.net or a letter to P.O. Box 971 Cedar Park, Texas 78630  to get the instructions and questions.
Here is the link to the book in www.amazon.com. Available also directly from Organizational Strategies.

Teacher of Teachers. Professional, Master Level Trainer for ECD in Texas. College instructor, Trainer, Constultant