Personal Development, OD, and ECD + Consulting

Do you know all the Organizational Strategies offers?
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT  certified in Lance Wallanu’s Destiny Dashboard, to find your calling and bliss in life, Career Console to reflect on your professional and solopreneur status, Time Management, Educational Assessments
ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT  conflict reduction, boardsmanship, professionalization seminars
TRAINING FOR  EDUCATORS 1) full range of training courses for early childhood educators, some which are available in audio 2) for others from elementary through graduate: diversity management, gamefication for social studies, and critical thinking
TRAINING FOR ADMINISTRATORS AND OWNERS IN EDUCATION full range of business and management courses, including personnel management, program evaluation, and marketing
CONSULTING FOR EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATORS AND PASTORS – solving your specific problems in management and growth,  and preschool/afterschool formation
(Currently at rates far below most business consultants!)
Please call today to schedule your session. 512-249-7629

Teacher of Teachers. Professional, Master Level Trainer for ECD in Texas. College instructor, Trainer, Constultant