Better Focus for More Productivity

Top Ten Tips
1. There is no such thing as multi-tasking, there is only attention switching.
2. Disrupting attention leads to lower productivity.
3. Worrying about performance leads to mess-ups. An athlete, for instance, knows that best performance comes from automatic, not thought-through action.
4. One may reduce the 10,00 hours dramatically by using attention while practicing.
5. There are at least 4 kinds of attention:
One-pointed, goal oriented (good for getting something done)
Open awareness (good for creativity and new ideas)
Reading others (good for satisfying life & getting things done together)
Reading systems (good for organizations, and distant threats)
And possibly a 5th: meta-cognition, or thinking about thinking
6. Self-control correlates with success more than any other factor, including income of family of origin or IQ.
7. Negativity causes focus on the bad too narrowly.
8. Positive emotion widens attention.
9. Stress and over work shut down good attention — in all areas.
10. Social skills, including organizational skills, can be increased through attentional exercises.
Call me if you want training on focusing. Call me if you want some help reading your organization. 512-249-7629
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Teacher of Teachers. Professional, Master Level Trainer for ECD in Texas. College instructor, Trainer, Constultant