School Readiness Testing

Now offering school standardized, norm-based readiness tests to licensed childcare centers in selected cities in Texas. However, this and other tests to gauge and plan for academic achievement (but not IQ tests) are available to families. Contact me for scheduling. Know exactly how your child stacks up to expectation as he or she enters…

Our Mission : Helping You Meet Your Mission

We do basic management consulting for small businesses, churches, and schools. Our greatest expertise is understanding the social dynamics of the workgroup. The second is sympathetic coaching of the frontline manager.  Original assessment research and follow-up required. Topics for training include:  1) how to hire, manage, and fire for the new manager, 2) time management…

Better Focus for More Productivity

Top Ten Tips 1. There is no such thing as multi-tasking, there is only attention switching. 2. Disrupting attention leads to lower productivity. 3. Worrying about performance leads to mess-ups. An athlete, for instance, knows that best performance comes from automatic, not thought-through action. 4. One may reduce the 10,00 hours dramatically by using attention…

Ferguson Says Diversity Training Still Very Relevant

I started doing “diversity training” back in the 1990s. I was wondering if it were really a “dead horse.”  Recent seminar feedback (diversity doesn’t apply here) and recent news (Ferguson. MO) suggest that it is still very relevant today. Please keep me in mind as your diversity trainer. Unlike most, I have a Master’s in…

Promised list of resources for children's learning problems in Austin now posted.

Here is the promised to post resources in Austin for children with special learning needs .   This is not necessarily an exhaustive list, just the ones I know about. Please be invited to post your favorites too.  I do think every director ought to have a list. Autism Spectrum Disorder Johnson Center The Johnson…

What Does it Take to Be a Great Educator?

What does it take to be a great educator? Better formal training? Natural talent? A love for children? Kindness? Moral excellence in order to think of the children’s needs and the family’s needs and the center’s needs before one’s own? Or faith for a child to achieve academic excellence? Or what? How do you rate…