Reviews of Management Books – Just for YU!

Announcing a series for Org Strat: summaries of management books. This Spring, for 12 weeks, I will offer summaries of management books in hopes of offering value to my clients/prospects/followers on this site. Often only corporate leaders/management have the leisure to read widely in the latest management literature, but all manger, whether of a CDC or a non-profit or even a church can benefit from new ideas. Please feel free to enter into discussion: suggest books, ask questions, offer your own insights.
So let’s start now. What are your topics?
I’ve got some classics: I’ve got Bennis on leadership, Seligman on optimism, and Greenleaf on Servant Leadership, and Spencer on facilitating meetings. Then I have a couple that I just found: Goldsmith on implementing personal change and Ostwerwalder on creating full entrepreneurial concepts.
Is this covering what you want? Do you know a great book? Do you want to share? Let us hear!

Teacher of Teachers. Professional, Master Level Trainer for ECD in Texas. College instructor, Trainer, Constultant