I could use some help. I’m trying – without success – to create an acronym that captures the essence of mentoring. How would you use MENTOR or MENTORING as an acronym? What I have so far needs some work. M. Mission – what are we working to accomplish. Mentoring has focused outcomes. Mentors and proteges […]
via An Acronym That Explains Mentoring — Leadership Freak
Mentoring is often overlooked in the rush of day to day activities, especially in smaller businesses, but it can make for longevity of the business, easier life in the long run for the owner, and better retention of the best staff. Larger businesses where many people call themselves managers place much more attention on training people to be leaders, managers, and mentors. In small businesses, by contrast, most managers are more interested in getting daily tasks accomplished. Often they came from the trade that the business offers, rather than seeing themselves as only managers. This is especially true in pink collar areas. Women often lack training in managerial skills. When they gain them, they often forget to mentor others.
Dan Rockwell offers great, brief reflections that help people be better managers. Whether you are a director of a preschool, a small business owner, or a pastor, you might enjoy and benefit from Dan’s insights. Please stay in touch here, with orgstrat, as I bring you a cross pollination of all things good.
BTW, I have a very few openings for trainings this fall, but only in Austin. I would like to do some more, but I am so busy preparing great things for you, this fall I can not travel. If you are out of town, please do call for next year. Thanks, Sharon 512-NOSPAM249-7629.