Help to Start a School

I am hearing cries from a variety of states that people want to start schools. Please call me if you need help. In particular, I can coach your new administrator and train your teachers, so you call can launch and fly together, straight (rather than bumping into one another). Please see recent review of a…

Poll for Religiously Affiliated Schools

Thanks to everyone who made the “Christian Directors’ Group-Taylor” a great success. Here is the poll I promised. Please participate in polling only if you are a director, assistant director, or owner of a Christian or Jewish school (so we match the research.)  (Anyone is free to comment below this post on  the topic, however.)…

Coming to NISOD to talk about interactive activities in college classroom.

Memorial Day, Monday May 26th, at 10:15. at the Convention Center, (in Room 13B probably), I will be hosting a discussion on using interactive activities in the college classroom to encourage student engagement. “Ways to Engage Students: Pros, Cons, and Science.” We are moving away from the typical “read a book/go to lecture/write a paper/take…