Looking Around at the Milestone Markers: Where Have We Come?

It is graduation time. After the celebration and the well-wishing for our graduating students, let’s take a few minutes to assess where education is. I know, we are all very interested in taking off, going for summer, sitting by a pool; but just a minute, let’s see how we as educators and administrators are doing.
Simon Sinek is making a name for himself with an analyzation of millenials. He says we need to stop the phone screen addiction. I agree. He says the corporation need to work harder to accommodate this generation, because they have the lowest self-esteem of any generation and are so very unhappy.
Of course, Sinek makes no claim to real social research, but his discussion has gone viral because he has hit upon a major concern. He blames “failed parenting” but what about failed education? What about the generation, or 2, of self-esteem bolstering boosterism? BTW, real science indicates that self-esteem is created by real achievement. Never mind that teacher training continues in the wrong direction. What about the fact that the corporation was never intended to do any more socialization than be sure that the workers was working to standards and the culture of the corporation. The agents of socialization (training a child to be a functional adult) are parents, school, — and gosh maybe the church might have a role in helping people live adequately. Might we not discuss what they should be doing and doing differently?
Or must we stay with the thinking that caused the problem and say, oh you poor thing, we must take more responsibility, boundaries, and teaching/correction away from you, so you will be happier?
What do you think?

Teacher of Teachers. Professional, Master Level Trainer for ECD in Texas. College instructor, Trainer, Constultant