4 Ways to Make the Past a Platform – Not an Anchor — Leadership Freak

Memory predicts the future. You are becoming, to some degree, the person you remember. Character and potential are formed, in large part, through rehearsed memories. Successful leaders make the past a platform, not an anchor. 4 ways to make the past a platform: #1. Remind people who they are. They remember what they did. Tell me […]

via 4 Ways to Make the Past a Platform – Not an Anchor — Leadership Freak
So often I like Dan Rockwell’s posts. I recently have been reading Dr. Mike Murdock on mentors and proteges. Similar to Rockwell’s title, Murdock says,
“Your goals choose your mentors”
“If you have no heroes, you will have no future.”
Your life is an aggregation of the voices you listened to and the decisions you made.
Honor becomes access.
I understand these all to be in line with one another. One can not help but steer in the direction one is looking.
I hope you have a wonderful celebration of Independence Day. Then, quickly, call me to help you and your workgroup meet their goals. Let me help you train your staff to work together better with you and with each other, reduce waste, and improve profit and happiness.    Let me help your congregation start their newest and most important mission.  Call right now: 512-249-7629.

Teacher of Teachers. Professional, Master Level Trainer for ECD in Texas. College instructor, Trainer, Constultant