Need Help Getting the Word Out?

I’ve been working for the past coupe of years on encouraging pastors/ministers/congregational leaders to start childcare centers in their buildings — because I think that would be a great contribution to society. It would help children, their family, their neighborhood, and indeed the nation. There is robust, replicated, reasonable research that shows that congregationally affiliated…

Great Find for Educators!

Most of my clients are managers of preschools. Most such have little business and managerial background, so to fill that need, and the usual interest of most managers, I have been posting current management topics. However, most preschool educators care most about education and young children. So today, with all due respect to the typical…


Since I do many workshops on conflict reduction for school personnel, I am frequently asked to provide something on teaching conflict reduction to children. Finally, I have it! Aware of the controversies, I didn’t want to speak until I had something to say. Now I have it! Time tested method and some new research. Bam!…