Help to Start a School

I am hearing cries from a variety of states that people want to start schools. Please call me if you need help. In particular, I can coach your new administrator and train your teachers, so you call can launch and fly together, straight (rather than bumping into one another). Please see recent review of a…

Need Help Getting the Word Out?

I’ve been working for the past coupe of years on encouraging pastors/ministers/congregational leaders to start childcare centers in their buildings — because I think that would be a great contribution to society. It would help children, their family, their neighborhood, and indeed the nation. There is robust, replicated, reasonable research that shows that congregationally affiliated…

Our Mission : Helping You Meet Your Mission

We do basic management consulting for small businesses, churches, and schools. Our greatest expertise is understanding the social dynamics of the workgroup. The second is sympathetic coaching of the frontline manager.  Original assessment research and follow-up required. Topics for training include:  1) how to hire, manage, and fire for the new manager, 2) time management…

Time to Plan Again : By Connecting

Many of my clients are schools and preschools. It is a busy time there, fresh with planning the new year and meeting new students. Whether or not you are in that environment, you probably feel the freshness of the new school year. It is a great time for planning and a great time to hit…

Are You Coachable? 3 Questions to Consider

Ken Blanchard is the guru of gurus in the consulting/coaching world. Most owners and bosses could use organizational coaching and or personal coaching, but only the most wise seek it out. What are your thoughts? What kind of consulting or coaching do you find valuable? rare? Source: Are You Coachable? 3 Questions to Consider