Help to Start a School

I am hearing cries from a variety of states that people want to start schools. Please call me if you need help. In particular, I can coach your new administrator and train your teachers, so you call can launch and fly together, straight (rather than bumping into one another). Please see recent review of a…

Need Help Getting the Word Out?

I’ve been working for the past coupe of years on encouraging pastors/ministers/congregational leaders to start childcare centers in their buildings — because I think that would be a great contribution to society. It would help children, their family, their neighborhood, and indeed the nation. There is robust, replicated, reasonable research that shows that congregationally affiliated…

Our Mission : Helping You Meet Your Mission

We do basic management consulting for small businesses, churches, and schools. Our greatest expertise is understanding the social dynamics of the workgroup. The second is sympathetic coaching of the frontline manager.  Original assessment research and follow-up required. Topics for training include:  1) how to hire, manage, and fire for the new manager, 2) time management…

Great Find for Educators!

Most of my clients are managers of preschools. Most such have little business and managerial background, so to fill that need, and the usual interest of most managers, I have been posting current management topics. However, most preschool educators care most about education and young children. So today, with all due respect to the typical…

Open Consultant's Report to Pastor: You Have Options for Supporting Your Parents

A client asked me this question, and I realized every pastor in America should be asking it. Here is the question as I understand it: Although we have in the past promoted going to public school to be salt and light and also promoted the idea of taking advantage of educational offerings that were not…