Mind Expanding Books

http://www.jamesaltucher.com/giveaways/win-free-books-from-james-altucher-for-a-year/?lucky=27397 This is a contest, going on today, to see who can win a bunch of free books. James Altucher is an iconoclastic economics writer — and occasional life advice giver. Fun, abundance mindset.

What Coaching Really Is

It sure is frustrating when people who know little about the situation are directive and dismissive. This is what normally happens with “friends” “giving advice” on work/professional situations. Very often people need to talk out ideas and strategies, brainstorm options, sort possibilities, and bounce off ideas, and evaluate with someone else. I agree: that is…

How to Get Past Garland and Ferguson

Before I had heard about what happened up the road in Garland, my hyper-liberal friends were screaming about police brutality and complaining how conservatives were spinning the story. I have not heard from my arch-conservative friends, but I can guess what they will say. Kisa Jackson probably is the only one who should have been…