Ferguson Says Diversity Training Still Very Relevant

I started doing “diversity training” back in the 1990s. I was wondering if it were really a “dead horse.”  Recent seminar feedback (diversity doesn’t apply here) and recent news (Ferguson. MO) suggest that it is still very relevant today. Please keep me in mind as your diversity trainer. Unlike most, I have a Master’s in…

Poll for Religiously Affiliated Schools

Thanks to everyone who made the “Christian Directors’ Group-Taylor” a great success. Here is the poll I promised. Please participate in polling only if you are a director, assistant director, or owner of a Christian or Jewish school (so we match the research.)  (Anyone is free to comment below this post on  the topic, however.)…

Pre-Service Training all in a Binder

The Pre-Service 8 hours-all-in-a-pink Binder is sold out. Well, we will make some more. Glad you liked them. However, the pink binder may be history. We have had some difficulty getting more. So far, only one pink binder available. Now, the white, and smaller so they fit easier on your shelf, will be coming. Same…

The 5 Biggest Mistakes Directors Make in the Training They Offer & BONUS

Last week I shared my 3 secrets for hiring good staff.  This followed the big insight on the one big secret to time management for the center director.  This week, my 5 biggest mistakes directors make when they train their staff.  You will begin to see why staff don’t do what you want them to…