Amazing Advances – and Abysmal Advances

Today Japanese surgeons report the world’s first successful surgery using IPS cells. These are cells taken from the patient’s body, and treated so that they act as if they were stem cells. They were then implanted in the patient’s body to repair damage elsewhere, in this case, the eye. A couple of years ago a…

Wise or Foolish Leadership

From Dan Rockwell ( The most talented fool in the world only brings misery and destruction. Business is more than numbers and results. Leaders go astray when they neglect character at the expense of abilities. The gifts and talents of fools makes them dangerous. Wake up call: It’s possible to be talented and foolish. Wisdom…

The 5 Biggest Mistakes Directors Make in the Training They Offer & BONUS

Last week I shared my 3 secrets for hiring good staff.  This followed the big insight on the one big secret to time management for the center director.  This week, my 5 biggest mistakes directors make when they train their staff.  You will begin to see why staff don’t do what you want them to…

What Does it Take to Be a Great Educator?

What does it take to be a great educator? Better formal training? Natural talent? A love for children? Kindness? Moral excellence in order to think of the children’s needs and the family’s needs and the center’s needs before one’s own? Or faith for a child to achieve academic excellence? Or what? How do you rate…