Sarles quoted re: children doing chores

LOL, I do not know why children doing chores has become the latest controversy. However, thanks to Rasmussen colleges, Brianna Flavin, I was quoted about some basic Montessorian concepts, specifically, care for the environment.

Coaching is the Way to a New Level

via Five Essential Principles If You’re Going to Make Your Coaching Successful — Blanchard LeaderChat Organizational Strategies offers coaching. I used to call it individual consulting. That is real coaching. This means one on one, coming alongside, deep listening, good question answering, and expert knowledge only when it is necessary and relevant. Consulting is normally…

Get Follow-thu from Employees

A person who doesn’t follow through is worse than having no one at all. How to resolve 4 reasons people don’t follow through: #1. No follow up results in no follow through. I had a boss who assigned tasks, but didn’t follow up. Often she never brought it up again. I learned to wait for […]…

Please Go Forward

Hi! This is an old website. There is a new one which looks pretty much the same, only much better technologically. Please empty your browser cache and try again to go to Then you will see our new, updated site. Aren’t you glad the election is over? Aren’t you ready to be finished with…

Personal Development, OD, and ECD + Consulting

Do you know all the Organizational Strategies offers? PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT  certified in Lance Wallanu’s Destiny Dashboard, to find your calling and bliss in life, Career Console to reflect on your professional and solopreneur status, Time Management, Educational Assessments ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT  conflict reduction, boardsmanship, professionalization seminars TRAINING FOR  EDUCATORS 1) full range of training courses for…

The Secret of Good Management Rick Joyner says: Feeling sorry for yourself robs you of life. Never blame down. You are responsible for getting proper work out of subordinates. I conclude: Leadership is based on self-management. Very insightful.

4 Behaviors Account for 89% of Leadership Effectiveness

Mckinsey research* suggests 4 leadership behaviors make the difference between strong and weak leadership. Top 20 Leadership Behaviors: Be supportive. Champion desired change. Clarify objectives, rewards, and consequences. Communicate prolifically and enthusiastically. Develop others. Develop and share a collective mission. Differentiate among followers. Facilitate group collaboration. Foster mutual respect. Give praise. Keep groups organized and […]…