Solving the Biggest Problem Directors Have: Time Pressure

Directors have told me for years that their biggest problem is time pressure. And wow, I know, because it was for me too. Time crunch is severe for directors.  Problem number one: time — not enough.  (Second biggest problem is — you guessed it — staff, crazy.)  Let me solve your problems! I briefly discuss…

Lunches From Home Banned by Federal Government???

Brown Bag Ban: Fed Gov Tells Preschool Parents No Lunch From Home ……ban-fed-gov-tells-preschool-parents-lunch–home… Brown Bag Ban: Fed Gov Tells Preschool Parents No Lunch From Home Without a … I have received word from Federal Programs Preschool pertaining to lunches from home. Banning home lunches | Fed Up With Lunch–home–lunches Banning home lunches. April…

Promised list of resources for children's learning problems in Austin now posted.

Here is the promised to post resources in Austin for children with special learning needs .   This is not necessarily an exhaustive list, just the ones I know about. Please be invited to post your favorites too.  I do think every director ought to have a list. Autism Spectrum Disorder Johnson Center The Johnson…